Chemical peeling, also known as chemexfoliation or dermapeeling, is a cosmetic procedure used to improve the appearance and texture of the skin. It involves the application of chemical solutions to the skin, which causes controlled damage to the outermost layers. This process triggers the body's natural healing response, leading to the shedding of old, damaged skin and the growth of new, healthier skin.

There are different types of chemical peels, varying in strength and depth of penetration, based on the specific skin concerns being addressed Chemical peeling offers several benefits for the skin, making it a popular cosmetic procedure for various skin concerns. Some of the key benefits of chemical peels include:

  • Improved skin texture

  • Reduced fine lines and wrinkles

  • Even skin tone

  • Acne and acne scar improvement

  • Smoother and brighter complexion

  • Reduced appearance of sun damage

  • Enhanced absorption of skincare products

  • Minimized appearance of pores

  • Boosted confidence and self-estee